A single protein has been identified that matches your query.
This protein belongs to one or more protein families (see below).
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Identified Protein:
dnaN (Escherichia coli K12):   DNA polymerase III, beta subunit; Confers DNA tethering and processivity to DNA polymerases and other proteins. Acts as a clamp, forming a ring around DNA (a reaction catalyzed by the clamp-loading complex) which diffuses in an ATP- independent manner freely and bidirectionally along dsDNA. DNA bound in the ring is bent 22 degrees, in solution primed DNA is bound more tightly than dsDNA, suggesting the clamp binds both ss- and dsDNA. In a complex of DNA with this protein, alpha, epsilon and tau subunits however the DNA is only slightly bent. Coordinates protein traffic at the replicati [...]
Protein Families (COGs):