Export your current network:
... as a bitmap image:
file format is 'PNG': portable network graphic
... as a high-resolution bitmap:
same PNG format, but at higher resolution
... as a vector graphic:
SVG: scalable vector graphic - can be opened and edited in Illustrator, CorelDraw, Dia, etc
... as short tabular text output:
TSV: tab separated values - can be opened in Excel and Cytoscape (lists only one-way edges: A-B)
... as tabular text output:
TSV: tab separated values - can be opened in Excel (lists reciprocal edges: A-B,B-A)
... as an XML summary:
structured XML interaction data, according to the 'PSI-MI' data standard
... protein node degrees:
node degree of proteins in your network (given the current score cut-off)
... network coordinates:
a flat-file format describing the coordinates and colors of nodes in the network
... protein sequences:
MFA: multi-fasta format - containing the aminoacid sequences in the network
... protein annotations:
a tab-delimited file describing the names, domains and descriptions of proteins in your network
... functional annotations:
a tab-delimited file containing all known functional terms of protiens in your network
Browse interactions in tabular form:
node1 | node2 | node1 accession | node2 accession | node1 annotation | node2 annotation | score |
AKI99980.1 | AKJ03978.1 | AA314_01607 | AA314_05604 | Two-component hybrid sensor and regulator. | DNA-binding response regulator. | 0.827 |
AKJ01025.1 | AKJ02467.1 | AA314_02651 | AA314_04093 | Phosphate regulon sensor protein PhoR. | Phosphate regulon sensor protein PhoR. | 0.925 |
AKJ01025.1 | AKJ03978.1 | AA314_02651 | AA314_05604 | Phosphate regulon sensor protein PhoR. | DNA-binding response regulator. | 0.816 |
AKJ01025.1 | AKJ08284.1 | AA314_02651 | AA314_09910 | Phosphate regulon sensor protein PhoR. | Sensory box histidine kinase. | 0.408 |
AKJ01326.1 | AKJ03209.1 | AA314_02952 | AA314_04835 | Signal transduction histidine kinase. | Multi-sensor signal transduction histidine kinase. | 0.542 |
AKJ01326.1 | AKJ03978.1 | AA314_02952 | AA314_05604 | Signal transduction histidine kinase. | DNA-binding response regulator. | 0.814 |
AKJ01326.1 | AKJ07997.1 | AA314_02952 | AA314_09623 | Signal transduction histidine kinase. | Sensory transduction histidine kinase. | 0.497 |
AKJ01326.1 | AKJ08284.1 | AA314_02952 | AA314_09910 | Signal transduction histidine kinase. | Sensory box histidine kinase. | 0.586 |
AKJ01937.1 | AKJ02467.1 | AA314_03563 | AA314_04093 | Sensor histidine kinase. | Phosphate regulon sensor protein PhoR. | 0.437 |
AKJ01937.1 | AKJ03978.1 | AA314_03563 | AA314_05604 | Sensor histidine kinase. | DNA-binding response regulator. | 0.844 |
AKJ01937.1 | AKJ07997.1 | AA314_03563 | AA314_09623 | Sensor histidine kinase. | Sensory transduction histidine kinase. | 0.748 |
AKJ02467.1 | AKJ01025.1 | AA314_04093 | AA314_02651 | Phosphate regulon sensor protein PhoR. | Phosphate regulon sensor protein PhoR. | 0.925 |
AKJ02467.1 | AKJ01937.1 | AA314_04093 | AA314_03563 | Phosphate regulon sensor protein PhoR. | Sensor histidine kinase. | 0.437 |
AKJ02467.1 | AKJ03978.1 | AA314_04093 | AA314_05604 | Phosphate regulon sensor protein PhoR. | DNA-binding response regulator. | 0.826 |
AKJ03209.1 | AKJ01326.1 | AA314_04835 | AA314_02952 | Multi-sensor signal transduction histidine kinase. | Signal transduction histidine kinase. | 0.542 |
AKJ03209.1 | AKJ03978.1 | AA314_04835 | AA314_05604 | Multi-sensor signal transduction histidine kinase. | DNA-binding response regulator. | 0.840 |
AKJ03209.1 | AKJ07997.1 | AA314_04835 | AA314_09623 | Multi-sensor signal transduction histidine kinase. | Sensory transduction histidine kinase. | 0.502 |
AKJ03209.1 | AKJ08284.1 | AA314_04835 | AA314_09910 | Multi-sensor signal transduction histidine kinase. | Sensory box histidine kinase. | 0.596 |
AKJ03977.1 | AKJ03978.1 | AA314_05603 | AA314_05604 | Two-component sensor histidine kinase. | DNA-binding response regulator. | 0.939 |
AKJ03978.1 | AKI99980.1 | AA314_05604 | AA314_01607 | DNA-binding response regulator. | Two-component hybrid sensor and regulator. | 0.827 |
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