node1 | node2 | node1 accession | node2 accession | node1 annotation | node2 annotation | score |
SDO65675.1 | SDO65690.1 | SAMN04488595_101407 | SAMN04488595_101408 | Succinate dehydrogenase subunit D. | Succinate dehydrogenase subunit C. | 0.999 |
SDO65675.1 | SDP66294.1 | SAMN04488595_101407 | SAMN04488595_11591 | Succinate dehydrogenase subunit D. | Osmotically-inducible protein OsmY, contains BON domain. | 0.614 |
SDO65690.1 | SDO65675.1 | SAMN04488595_101408 | SAMN04488595_101407 | Succinate dehydrogenase subunit C. | Succinate dehydrogenase subunit D. | 0.999 |
SDO65690.1 | SDO99290.1 | SAMN04488595_101408 | SAMN04488595_103418 | Succinate dehydrogenase subunit C. | Beta-barrel assembly machine subunit BamC. | 0.489 |
SDO65690.1 | SDP66294.1 | SAMN04488595_101408 | SAMN04488595_11591 | Succinate dehydrogenase subunit C. | Osmotically-inducible protein OsmY, contains BON domain. | 0.566 |
SDO99290.1 | SDO65690.1 | SAMN04488595_103418 | SAMN04488595_101408 | Beta-barrel assembly machine subunit BamC. | Succinate dehydrogenase subunit C. | 0.489 |
SDO99290.1 | SDP66294.1 | SAMN04488595_103418 | SAMN04488595_11591 | Beta-barrel assembly machine subunit BamC. | Osmotically-inducible protein OsmY, contains BON domain. | 0.558 |
SDO99290.1 | bamD | SAMN04488595_103418 | SAMN04488595_103225 | Beta-barrel assembly machine subunit BamC. | Beta-barrel assembly machine subunit BamD; Part of the outer membrane protein assembly complex, which is involved in assembly and insertion of beta-barrel proteins into the outer membrane. | 0.990 |
SDO99290.1 | ftsQ | SAMN04488595_103418 | SAMN04488595_11133 | Beta-barrel assembly machine subunit BamC. | Cell division protein FtsQ; Essential cell division protein. May link together the upstream cell division proteins, which are predominantly cytoplasmic, with the downstream cell division proteins, which are predominantly periplasmic. May control correct divisome assembly. | 0.470 |
SDP04747.1 | SDP43400.1 | SAMN04488595_10433 | SAMN04488595_10928 | Uncharacterized conserved protein YjbJ, UPF0337 family; Belongs to the UPF0337 (CsbD) family. | Uncharacterized membrane protein YtjA, UPF0391 family. | 0.956 |
SDP04747.1 | SDP66294.1 | SAMN04488595_10433 | SAMN04488595_11591 | Uncharacterized conserved protein YjbJ, UPF0337 family; Belongs to the UPF0337 (CsbD) family. | Osmotically-inducible protein OsmY, contains BON domain. | 0.533 |
SDP43400.1 | SDP04747.1 | SAMN04488595_10928 | SAMN04488595_10433 | Uncharacterized membrane protein YtjA, UPF0391 family. | Uncharacterized conserved protein YjbJ, UPF0337 family; Belongs to the UPF0337 (CsbD) family. | 0.956 |
SDP43400.1 | SDP66294.1 | SAMN04488595_10928 | SAMN04488595_11591 | Uncharacterized membrane protein YtjA, UPF0391 family. | Osmotically-inducible protein OsmY, contains BON domain. | 0.586 |
SDP66294.1 | SDO65675.1 | SAMN04488595_11591 | SAMN04488595_101407 | Osmotically-inducible protein OsmY, contains BON domain. | Succinate dehydrogenase subunit D. | 0.614 |
SDP66294.1 | SDO65690.1 | SAMN04488595_11591 | SAMN04488595_101408 | Osmotically-inducible protein OsmY, contains BON domain. | Succinate dehydrogenase subunit C. | 0.566 |
SDP66294.1 | SDO99290.1 | SAMN04488595_11591 | SAMN04488595_103418 | Osmotically-inducible protein OsmY, contains BON domain. | Beta-barrel assembly machine subunit BamC. | 0.558 |
SDP66294.1 | SDP04747.1 | SAMN04488595_11591 | SAMN04488595_10433 | Osmotically-inducible protein OsmY, contains BON domain. | Uncharacterized conserved protein YjbJ, UPF0337 family; Belongs to the UPF0337 (CsbD) family. | 0.533 |
SDP66294.1 | SDP43400.1 | SAMN04488595_11591 | SAMN04488595_10928 | Osmotically-inducible protein OsmY, contains BON domain. | Uncharacterized membrane protein YtjA, UPF0391 family. | 0.586 |
SDP66294.1 | SDP66305.1 | SAMN04488595_11591 | SAMN04488595_11592 | Osmotically-inducible protein OsmY, contains BON domain. | Cytochrome C oxidase, cbb3-type, subunit III. | 0.714 |
SDP66294.1 | SDP66315.1 | SAMN04488595_11591 | SAMN04488595_11593 | Osmotically-inducible protein OsmY, contains BON domain. | NADPH-dependent 2,4-dienoyl-CoA reductase, sulfur reductase. | 0.714 |