node1 | node2 | node1 accession | node2 accession | node1 annotation | node2 annotation | score |
HSM_1422 | HSM_1424 | HSM_1422 | HSM_1424 | KEGG: hso:HS_0947 hypothetical protein. | PFAM: RDD domain containing protein; KEGG: hso:HS_0949 hypothetical protein. | 0.761 |
HSM_1422 | kdsA | HSM_1422 | HSM_1421 | KEGG: hso:HS_0947 hypothetical protein. | TIGRFAM: 2-dehydro-3-deoxyphosphooctonate aldolase; PFAM: DAHP synthetase I/KDSA; KEGG: hso:HS_0946 2-dehydro-3-deoxyphosphooctonate aldolase. | 0.776 |
HSM_1422 | prfA | HSM_1422 | HSM_1425 | KEGG: hso:HS_0947 hypothetical protein. | Peptide chain release factor 1; Peptide chain release factor 1 directs the termination of translation in response to the peptide chain termination codons UAG and UAA. | 0.635 |
HSM_1422 | prmC | HSM_1422 | HSM_1423 | KEGG: hso:HS_0947 hypothetical protein. | Modification methylase, HemK family; Methylates the class 1 translation termination release factors RF1/PrfA and RF2/PrfB on the glutamine residue of the universally conserved GGQ motif; Belongs to the protein N5-glutamine methyltransferase family. PrmC subfamily. | 0.796 |
HSM_1424 | HSM_1422 | HSM_1424 | HSM_1422 | PFAM: RDD domain containing protein; KEGG: hso:HS_0949 hypothetical protein. | KEGG: hso:HS_0947 hypothetical protein. | 0.761 |
HSM_1424 | kdsA | HSM_1424 | HSM_1421 | PFAM: RDD domain containing protein; KEGG: hso:HS_0949 hypothetical protein. | TIGRFAM: 2-dehydro-3-deoxyphosphooctonate aldolase; PFAM: DAHP synthetase I/KDSA; KEGG: hso:HS_0946 2-dehydro-3-deoxyphosphooctonate aldolase. | 0.748 |
HSM_1424 | prfA | HSM_1424 | HSM_1425 | PFAM: RDD domain containing protein; KEGG: hso:HS_0949 hypothetical protein. | Peptide chain release factor 1; Peptide chain release factor 1 directs the termination of translation in response to the peptide chain termination codons UAG and UAA. | 0.636 |
HSM_1424 | prmC | HSM_1424 | HSM_1423 | PFAM: RDD domain containing protein; KEGG: hso:HS_0949 hypothetical protein. | Modification methylase, HemK family; Methylates the class 1 translation termination release factors RF1/PrfA and RF2/PrfB on the glutamine residue of the universally conserved GGQ motif; Belongs to the protein N5-glutamine methyltransferase family. PrmC subfamily. | 0.758 |
atpA | atpC | HSM_1852 | HSM_1849 | ATP synthase F1, alpha subunit; Produces ATP from ADP in the presence of a proton gradient across the membrane. The alpha chain is a regulatory subunit. Belongs to the ATPase alpha/beta chains family. | ATP synthase F1, epsilon subunit; Produces ATP from ADP in the presence of a proton gradient across the membrane. | 0.999 |
atpA | atpD | HSM_1852 | HSM_1850 | ATP synthase F1, alpha subunit; Produces ATP from ADP in the presence of a proton gradient across the membrane. The alpha chain is a regulatory subunit. Belongs to the ATPase alpha/beta chains family. | ATP synthase F1, beta subunit; Produces ATP from ADP in the presence of a proton gradient across the membrane. The catalytic sites are hosted primarily by the beta subunits; Belongs to the ATPase alpha/beta chains family. | 0.999 |
atpA | atpE | HSM_1852 | HSM_1855 | ATP synthase F1, alpha subunit; Produces ATP from ADP in the presence of a proton gradient across the membrane. The alpha chain is a regulatory subunit. Belongs to the ATPase alpha/beta chains family. | ATP synthase F0, C subunit; F(1)F(0) ATP synthase produces ATP from ADP in the presence of a proton or sodium gradient. F-type ATPases consist of two structural domains, F(1) containing the extramembraneous catalytic core and F(0) containing the membrane proton channel, linked together by a central stalk and a peripheral stalk. During catalysis, ATP synthesis in the catalytic domain of F(1) is coupled via a rotary mechanism of the central stalk subunits to proton translocation. | 0.999 |
atpA | atpG | HSM_1852 | HSM_1851 | ATP synthase F1, alpha subunit; Produces ATP from ADP in the presence of a proton gradient across the membrane. The alpha chain is a regulatory subunit. Belongs to the ATPase alpha/beta chains family. | ATP synthase F1, gamma subunit; Produces ATP from ADP in the presence of a proton gradient across the membrane. The gamma chain is believed to be important in regulating ATPase activity and the flow of protons through the CF(0) complex. | 0.999 |
atpA | atpH | HSM_1852 | HSM_1853 | ATP synthase F1, alpha subunit; Produces ATP from ADP in the presence of a proton gradient across the membrane. The alpha chain is a regulatory subunit. Belongs to the ATPase alpha/beta chains family. | ATP synthase F1, delta subunit; F(1)F(0) ATP synthase produces ATP from ADP in the presence of a proton or sodium gradient. F-type ATPases consist of two structural domains, F(1) containing the extramembraneous catalytic core and F(0) containing the membrane proton channel, linked together by a central stalk and a peripheral stalk. During catalysis, ATP synthesis in the catalytic domain of F(1) is coupled via a rotary mechanism of the central stalk subunits to proton translocation; Belongs to the ATPase delta chain family. | 0.999 |
atpA | prmC | HSM_1852 | HSM_1423 | ATP synthase F1, alpha subunit; Produces ATP from ADP in the presence of a proton gradient across the membrane. The alpha chain is a regulatory subunit. Belongs to the ATPase alpha/beta chains family. | Modification methylase, HemK family; Methylates the class 1 translation termination release factors RF1/PrfA and RF2/PrfB on the glutamine residue of the universally conserved GGQ motif; Belongs to the protein N5-glutamine methyltransferase family. PrmC subfamily. | 0.564 |
atpC | atpA | HSM_1849 | HSM_1852 | ATP synthase F1, epsilon subunit; Produces ATP from ADP in the presence of a proton gradient across the membrane. | ATP synthase F1, alpha subunit; Produces ATP from ADP in the presence of a proton gradient across the membrane. The alpha chain is a regulatory subunit. Belongs to the ATPase alpha/beta chains family. | 0.999 |
atpC | atpD | HSM_1849 | HSM_1850 | ATP synthase F1, epsilon subunit; Produces ATP from ADP in the presence of a proton gradient across the membrane. | ATP synthase F1, beta subunit; Produces ATP from ADP in the presence of a proton gradient across the membrane. The catalytic sites are hosted primarily by the beta subunits; Belongs to the ATPase alpha/beta chains family. | 0.999 |
atpC | atpE | HSM_1849 | HSM_1855 | ATP synthase F1, epsilon subunit; Produces ATP from ADP in the presence of a proton gradient across the membrane. | ATP synthase F0, C subunit; F(1)F(0) ATP synthase produces ATP from ADP in the presence of a proton or sodium gradient. F-type ATPases consist of two structural domains, F(1) containing the extramembraneous catalytic core and F(0) containing the membrane proton channel, linked together by a central stalk and a peripheral stalk. During catalysis, ATP synthesis in the catalytic domain of F(1) is coupled via a rotary mechanism of the central stalk subunits to proton translocation. | 0.999 |
atpC | atpG | HSM_1849 | HSM_1851 | ATP synthase F1, epsilon subunit; Produces ATP from ADP in the presence of a proton gradient across the membrane. | ATP synthase F1, gamma subunit; Produces ATP from ADP in the presence of a proton gradient across the membrane. The gamma chain is believed to be important in regulating ATPase activity and the flow of protons through the CF(0) complex. | 0.999 |
atpC | atpH | HSM_1849 | HSM_1853 | ATP synthase F1, epsilon subunit; Produces ATP from ADP in the presence of a proton gradient across the membrane. | ATP synthase F1, delta subunit; F(1)F(0) ATP synthase produces ATP from ADP in the presence of a proton or sodium gradient. F-type ATPases consist of two structural domains, F(1) containing the extramembraneous catalytic core and F(0) containing the membrane proton channel, linked together by a central stalk and a peripheral stalk. During catalysis, ATP synthesis in the catalytic domain of F(1) is coupled via a rotary mechanism of the central stalk subunits to proton translocation; Belongs to the ATPase delta chain family. | 0.999 |
atpC | prmC | HSM_1849 | HSM_1423 | ATP synthase F1, epsilon subunit; Produces ATP from ADP in the presence of a proton gradient across the membrane. | Modification methylase, HemK family; Methylates the class 1 translation termination release factors RF1/PrfA and RF2/PrfB on the glutamine residue of the universally conserved GGQ motif; Belongs to the protein N5-glutamine methyltransferase family. PrmC subfamily. | 0.554 |