Export your current network:
... as a bitmap image:
file format is 'PNG': portable network graphic
... as a high-resolution bitmap:
same PNG format, but at higher resolution
... as a vector graphic:
SVG: scalable vector graphic - can be opened and edited in Illustrator, CorelDraw, Dia, etc
... as short tabular text output:
TSV: tab separated values - can be opened in Excel and Cytoscape (lists only one-way edges: A-B)
... as tabular text output:
TSV: tab separated values - can be opened in Excel (lists reciprocal edges: A-B,B-A)
... as an XML summary:
structured XML interaction data, according to the 'PSI-MI' data standard
... protein node degrees:
node degree of proteins in your network (given the current score cut-off)
... network coordinates:
a flat-file format describing the coordinates and colors of nodes in the network
... protein sequences:
MFA: multi-fasta format - containing the aminoacid sequences in the network
... protein annotations:
a tab-delimited file describing the names, domains and descriptions of proteins in your network
... functional annotations:
a tab-delimited file containing all known functional terms of protiens in your network
Browse interactions in tabular form:
node1 | node2 | node1 accession | node2 accession | node1 annotation | node2 annotation | score |
AKI98380.1 | AKI98381.1 | AA314_00007 | AA314_00008 | High-affnity carbon uptake protein Hat/HatR. | Hypothetical protein. | 0.486 |
AKI98381.1 | AKI98380.1 | AA314_00008 | AA314_00007 | Hypothetical protein. | High-affnity carbon uptake protein Hat/HatR. | 0.486 |
AKI98381.1 | AKI98382.1 | AA314_00008 | AA314_00009 | Hypothetical protein. | Periplasmic nitrate reductase precursor. | 0.466 |
AKI98381.1 | AKI98383.1 | AA314_00008 | AA314_00010 | Hypothetical protein. | Hypothetical protein. | 0.466 |
AKI98381.1 | AKI98384.1 | AA314_00008 | AA314_00011 | Hypothetical protein. | Hypothetical protein. | 0.460 |
AKI98381.1 | rnc | AA314_00008 | AA314_05464 | Hypothetical protein. | Ribonuclease III; Digests double-stranded RNA. Involved in the processing of primary rRNA transcript to yield the immediate precursors to the large and small rRNAs (23S and 16S). Processes some mRNAs, and tRNAs when they are encoded in the rRNA operon. Processes pre-crRNA and tracrRNA of type II CRISPR loci if present in the organism. | 0.467 |
AKI98382.1 | AKI98381.1 | AA314_00009 | AA314_00008 | Periplasmic nitrate reductase precursor. | Hypothetical protein. | 0.466 |
AKI98382.1 | AKI98383.1 | AA314_00009 | AA314_00010 | Periplasmic nitrate reductase precursor. | Hypothetical protein. | 0.887 |
AKI98382.1 | AKI98384.1 | AA314_00009 | AA314_00011 | Periplasmic nitrate reductase precursor. | Hypothetical protein. | 0.762 |
AKI98383.1 | AKI98381.1 | AA314_00010 | AA314_00008 | Hypothetical protein. | Hypothetical protein. | 0.466 |
AKI98383.1 | AKI98382.1 | AA314_00010 | AA314_00009 | Hypothetical protein. | Periplasmic nitrate reductase precursor. | 0.887 |
AKI98383.1 | AKI98384.1 | AA314_00010 | AA314_00011 | Hypothetical protein. | Hypothetical protein. | 0.762 |
AKI98384.1 | AKI98381.1 | AA314_00011 | AA314_00008 | Hypothetical protein. | Hypothetical protein. | 0.460 |
AKI98384.1 | AKI98382.1 | AA314_00011 | AA314_00009 | Hypothetical protein. | Periplasmic nitrate reductase precursor. | 0.762 |
AKI98384.1 | AKI98383.1 | AA314_00011 | AA314_00010 | Hypothetical protein. | Hypothetical protein. | 0.762 |
rnc | AKI98381.1 | AA314_05464 | AA314_00008 | Ribonuclease III; Digests double-stranded RNA. Involved in the processing of primary rRNA transcript to yield the immediate precursors to the large and small rRNAs (23S and 16S). Processes some mRNAs, and tRNAs when they are encoded in the rRNA operon. Processes pre-crRNA and tracrRNA of type II CRISPR loci if present in the organism. | Hypothetical protein. | 0.467 |