STRING protein interaction network
Network nodes represent proteins
splice isoforms or post-translational modifications are collapsed, i.e. each node represents all the proteins produced by a single, protein-coding gene locus.
Node Color
colored nodes:
query proteins and first shell of interactors
white nodes:
second shell of interactors
Node Content
empty nodes:
proteins of unknown 3D structure
filled nodes:
a 3D structure is known or predicted
Edges represent protein-protein associations
associations are meant to be specific and meaningful, i.e. proteins jointly contribute to a shared function; this does not necessarily mean they are physically binding to each other.
Known Interactions
from curated databases
experimentally determined
Predicted Interactions
gene neighborhood
gene fusions
gene co-occurrence
protein homology
Your Input:
Gene Fusion
pgaCBiofilm PGA synthase PgaCD, catalytic subunit; Probable N-acetylglucosaminyltransferase that catalyzes the polymerization of single monomer units of UDP-N-acetylglucosamine to produce the linear homopolymer poly-beta-1,6-N-acetyl-D-glucosamine (PGA), a biofilm adhesin polysaccharide; Belongs to the glycosyltransferase 2 family. (441 aa)    
Predicted Functional Partners:
Biofilm PGA synthase PgaCD, regulatory subunit; Required for the synthesis of poly-beta-1,6-N-acetyl-D- glucosamine (PGA), a biofilm adhesin polysaccharide. May assist the glycosyltransferase PgaC in the polymerization of PGA.
poly-beta-1,6-N-acetyl-D-glucosamine (PGA) N-deacetylase outer membrane export lipoprotein; Catalyzes the N-deacetylation of poly-beta-1,6-N-acetyl-D- glucosamine (PGA), a biofilm adhesin polysaccharide. N-deacetylation promotes PGA export through the PgaA porin. Belongs to the polysaccharide deacetylase family.
Biofilm adhesin polysaccharide PGA secretin; Exports the biofilm adhesin polysaccharide poly-beta-1,6-N- acetyl-D-glucosamine (PGA) across the outer membrane. The PGA transported seems to be partially N-deacetylated since N-deacetylation of PGA by PgaB is needed for PGA export through the PgaA porin.
Regulator of cellulose synthase, cyclic di-GMP binding; Binds the cellulose synthase activator, bis-(3'-5') cyclic diguanylic acid (c-di-GMP).
Putative diguanylate cyclase; Catalyzes the synthesis of cyclic-di-GMP (c-di-GMP) via the condensation of 2 GTP molecules (By similarity). Involved in the control of the switch from cell motility to adhesion via regulation of cellular levels of c-di-GMP (Probable). Part of a signaling cascade that regulates curli biosynthesis. The cascade is composed of two c-di- GMP control modules, in which c-di-GMP controlled by the DgcE/PdeH pair (module I) regulates the activity of the DgcM/PdeR pair (module II), which in turn regulates activity of the transcription factor MlrA and expression of t [...]
Putative colanic acid polymerase.
Colanic acid production tyrosine-protein kinase; Required for the extracellular polysaccharide colanic acid synthesis. The autophosphorylated form is inactive. Probably involved in the export of colanic acid from the cell to medium. Phosphorylates udg.
Targeting factor for csrBC sRNA degradation; Serves as a specificity factor required for RNase E-mediated decay of the small global regulatory RNAs CsrB and CsrC, it is probably not a nuclease. Nor does its activity involve c-di-GMP, despite its domain composition. Positively modulates motility gene expression, is also required for curli expression.
Adhesin; Probably an autotransporter.
PDDEXK superfamily protein.
Your Current Organism:
Escherichia coli K12
NCBI taxonomy Id: 511145
Other names: E. coli str. K-12 substr. MG1655, Escherichia coli MG1655, Escherichia coli str. K-12 substr. MG1655, Escherichia coli str. K12 substr. MG1655, Escherichia coli str. MG1655, Escherichia coli strain MG1655
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