STRING protein interaction network
Network nodes represent proteins
splice isoforms or post-translational modifications are collapsed, i.e. each node represents all the proteins produced by a single, protein-coding gene locus.
Node Color
colored nodes:
query proteins and first shell of interactors
white nodes:
second shell of interactors
Node Content
empty nodes:
proteins of unknown 3D structure
filled nodes:
a 3D structure is known or predicted
Edges represent protein-protein associations
associations are meant to be specific and meaningful, i.e. proteins jointly contribute to a shared function; this does not necessarily mean they are physically binding to each other.
Known Interactions
from curated databases
experimentally determined
Predicted Interactions
gene neighborhood
gene fusions
gene co-occurrence
protein homology
Your Input:
Gene Fusion
AEB11065.1Ammonium transporter; COGs: COG0004 Ammonia permease; InterPro IPR001905; KEGG: ttj:TTHA0056 ammonium transporter; PFAM: Ammonium transporter; SPTR: Ammonium transporter; TIGRFAM: Ammonium transporter; IMG reference gene:2504659882; PFAM: Ammonium Transporter Family; TIGRFAM: ammonium transporter. (442 aa)    
Predicted Functional Partners:
COGs: COG0347 Nitrogen regulatory protein PII; InterPro IPR002187; KEGG: ttj:TTHA0057 nitrogen regulatory protein P-II; PFAM: Nitrogen regulatory protein PII; SMART: Nitrogen regulatory protein PII; SPTR: Nitrogen regulatory protein P-II; IMG reference gene:2504659883; PFAM: Nitrogen regulatory protein P-II; Belongs to the P(II) protein family.
COGs: COG0347 Nitrogen regulatory protein PII; InterPro IPR002187; KEGG: aae:aq_862 hypothetical protein; PFAM: Nitrogen regulatory protein PII; SPTR: Putative uncharacterized protein; IMG reference gene:2504661584; PFAM: Nitrogen regulatory protein P-II.
Diguanylate cyclase/phosphodiesterase with PAS/PAC sensor(s); COGs: COG2200 FOG: EAL domain; InterProIPR013767:IPR000160:IPR001633:IPR000014:IPR 001610; KEGG: mrb:Mrub_2168 diguanylate cyclase/phosphodiesterase with PAS/PAC and GAF sensor(s); PFAM: Diguanylate phosphodiesterase, EAL domain; Diguanylate cyclase, predicted; PAS fold; SMART: Diguanylate phosphodiesterase, EAL domain; Diguanylate cyclase, predicted; PAS; PAC motif; SPTR: Diguanylate cyclase/phosphodiesterase with PAS/PAC and GAF sensor(S); TIGRFAM: Diguanylate cyclase, predicted; PAS; IMG reference gene:2504660194; PFAM: E [...]
Diguanylate cyclase/phosphodiesterase with GAF sensor; COGs: COG5001 signal transduction protein containing a membrane domain an EAL and a GGDEF domain; InterPro IPR003018:IPR000160:IPR001633; KEGG: mau:Micau_6257 diguanylate cyclase; PFAM: Diguanylate phosphodiesterase, EAL domain; Diguanylate cyclase, predicted; GAF; SMART: Diguanylate phosphodiesterase, EAL domain; Diguanylate cyclase, predicted; GAF; SPTR: Diguanylate cyclase; TIGRFAM: Diguanylate cyclase, predicted; IMG reference gene:2504661416; PFAM: EAL domain; GAF domain; GGDEF domain; TIGRFAM: diguanylate cyclase (GGDEF) domain.
COGs: COG0069 Glutamate synthase domain 2; InterPro IPR000583:IPR006982:IPR002932:IPR002489; KEGG: tra:Trad_0209 glutamate synthase; PFAM: Glutamate synthase, central-C; Glutamine amidotransferase, class-II; Glutamate synthase, central-N; Glutamate synthase, alpha subunit, C-terminal; PRIAM: Glutamate synthase (ferredoxin); SPTR: Glutamate synthase (Ferredoxin); IMG reference gene:2504660877; PFAM: Conserved region in glutamate synthase; GXGXG motif; Glutamate synthase central domain; Glutamine amidotransferases class-II.
Diguanylate cyclase/phosphodiesterase with PAS/PAC and GAF sensor(s); COGs: COG5001 signal transduction protein containing a membrane domain an EAL and a GGDEF domain; InterProIPR000014:IPR000160:IPR001610:IPR003018:IPR 001633:IPR013656:IPR013767; KEGG: opr:Ocepr_0163 diguanylate cyclase/phosphodiesterase with pas/pac and gaf sensor(s); PFAM: Diguanylate phosphodiesterase, EAL domain; Diguanylate cyclase, predicted; PAS fold; GAF; PAS fold-4; SMART: Diguanylate phosphodiesterase, EAL domain; Diguanylate cyclase, predicted; GAF; PAS; PAC motif; SPTR: Diguanylate cyclase/phosphodiesteras [...]
Multi-copper polyphenol oxidoreductase, laccase; COGs: COG1496 conserved hypothetical protein; InterPro IPR003730; KEGG: msv:Mesil_0596 protein of unknown function DUF152; PFAM: Multi-copper polyphenol oxidoreductase, laccase; SPTR: Putative uncharacterized protein; TIGRFAM: Multi-copper polyphenol oxidoreductase, laccase; IMG reference gene:2504661734; PFAM: Multi-copper polyphenol oxidoreductase laccase; TIGRFAM: uncharacterized protein, YfiH family; Belongs to the multicopper oxidase YfiH/RL5 family.
Aconitate hydratase 1; Catalyzes the isomerization of citrate to isocitrate via cis- aconitate.
COGs: COG0174 Glutamine synthetase; InterPro IPR004809:IPR008147:IPR008146; KEGG: ttj:TTHA1329 glutamine synthetase; PFAM: Glutamine synthetase, catalytic domain; Glutamine synthetase, beta-Grasp; PRIAM: Glutamate--ammonia ligase; SPTR: Glutamine synthetase; TIGRFAM: Glutamine synthetase type I; IMG reference gene:2504660608; PFAM: Glutamine synthetase, catalytic domain; Glutamine synthetase, beta-Grasp domain; TIGRFAM: glutamine synthetase, type I.
COGs: COG0314 Molybdopterin converting factor large subunit; InterPro IPR010034:IPR010038:IPR003749:IPR003448; KEGG: tth:TTC1947 molybdopterin (MPT) converting factor, subunit 2; PFAM: Molybdopterin biosynthesis MoaE; ThiamineS; SPTR: Molybdopterin converting factor, subunit 1; TIGRFAM: Molybdopterin converting factor, subunit 1; MoaD, archaeal; IMG reference gene:2504659879; PFAM: ThiS family; MoaE protein; TIGRFAM: molybdopterin converting factor, subunit 1, non-archaeal.
Your Current Organism:
Marinithermus hydrothermalis
NCBI taxonomy Id: 869210
Other names: M. hydrothermalis DSM 14884, Marinithermus hydrothermalis DSM 14884, Marinithermus hydrothermalis T1, Marinithermus hydrothermalis str. DSM 14884, Marinithermus hydrothermalis strain DSM 14884
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