STRING protein interaction network
Network nodes represent proteins
splice isoforms or post-translational modifications are collapsed, i.e. each node represents all the proteins produced by a single, protein-coding gene locus.
Node Color
colored nodes:
query proteins and first shell of interactors
white nodes:
second shell of interactors
Node Content
empty nodes:
proteins of unknown 3D structure
filled nodes:
a 3D structure is known or predicted
Edges represent protein-protein associations
associations are meant to be specific and meaningful, i.e. proteins jointly contribute to a shared function; this does not necessarily mean they are physically binding to each other.
Known Interactions
from curated databases
experimentally determined
Predicted Interactions
gene neighborhood
gene fusions
gene co-occurrence
protein homology
Your Input:
Gene Fusion
AEB12629.1Rieske (2Fe-2S) iron-sulfur domain protein; COGs: COG2146 Ferredoxin subunits of nitrite reductase and ring-hydroxylating dioxygenase; InterPro IPR017941; KEGG: ttj:TTHA1841 putative dioxygenase ferredoxin subunit; PFAM: Rieske [2Fe-2S] iron-sulphur domain; SPTR: Rieske (2Fe-2S) domain protein; IMG reference gene:2504661511; PFAM: Rieske [2Fe-2S] domain. (106 aa)    
Predicted Functional Partners:
CoA-disulfide reductase; COGs: COG0446 NAD(FAD)-dependent dehydrogenase; InterPro IPR013027:IPR004099; KEGG: opr:Ocepr_2051 fad-dependent pyridine nucleotide-disulfide oxidoreductase; PFAM: FAD-dependent pyridine nucleotide-disulphide oxidoreductase; Pyridine nucleotide-disulphide oxidoreductase, dimerisation; PRIAM: CoA-disulfide reductase; SPTR: NADH oxidase; IMG reference gene:2504660102; PFAM: Pyridine nucleotide-disulphide oxidoreductase; Pyridine nucleotide-disulphide oxidoreductase, dimerisation domain.
YHS domain-containing protein; COGs: COG3350 conserved hypothetical protein; InterPro IPR011017:IPR007029; KEGG: kcr:Kcr_0513 heavy metal translocating P-type ATPase; PFAM: YHS; SMART: TRASH; SPTR: Putative uncharacterized protein; IMG reference gene:2504660625; PFAM: YHS domain.
FeS assembly protein SufD; COGs: COG0719 ABC-type transport system involved in Fe-S cluster assembly permease component; InterPro IPR011542:IPR000825; KEGG: msv:Mesil_1005 FeS assembly protein SufD; PFAM: SUF system FeS cluster assembly, SufBD; SPTR: FeS assembly protein SufD; TIGRFAM: SUF system FeS cluster assembly, SufD; IMG reference gene:2504661510; PFAM: Uncharacterized protein family (UPF0051); TIGRFAM: FeS assembly protein SufD.
COGs: COG1140 Nitrate reductase beta subunit; InterPro IPR006547; KEGG: msv:Mesil_0249 nitrate reductase, beta subunit; PRIAM: Nitrate reductase; SPTR: Nitrate reductase, beta subunit; TIGRFAM: Nitrate reductase, beta subunit; IMG reference gene:2504661460; TIGRFAM: nitrate reductase, beta subunit.
uroporphyrin-III C-methyltransferase; COGs: COG0007 Uroporphyrinogen-III methylase; InterPro IPR006366:IPR000878; KEGG: msv:Mesil_3310 nitrite/sulfite reductase hemoprotein beta-component ferrodoxin domain protein; PFAM: Tetrapyrrole methylase; PRIAM: Uroporphyrinogen-III C-methyltransferase; SPTR: Nitrite/sulfite reductase hemoprotein beta-component ferrodoxin domain protein; TIGRFAM: Uroporphyrin-III C-methyltransferase, C-terminal; IMG reference gene:2504661479; PFAM: Tetrapyrrole (Corrin/Porphyrin) Methylases; TIGRFAM: uroporphyrin-III C-methyltransferase; Belongs to the precorrin [...]
Cysteine desulfurase, SufS subfamily; COGs: COG0520 Selenocysteine lyase; InterPro IPR010970:IPR000192; KEGG: tth:TTC1373 cysteine desulfhydrase/selenocysteine lyase; PFAM: Aminotransferase, class V/Cysteine desulfurase; PRIAM: Cysteine desulfurase; SPTR: Cysteine desulfhydrase/selenocysteine lyase; TIGRFAM: Cysteine desulfurase, SufS; IMG reference gene:2504661512; PFAM: Aminotransferase class-V; TIGRFAM: cysteine desulfurases, SufS subfamily; Belongs to the class-V pyridoxal-phosphate-dependent aminotransferase family.
COGs: COG2180 Nitrate reductase delta subunit; KEGG: msv:Mesil_0248 nitrate reductase molybdenum cofactor assembly chaperone; SPTR: Chaperone protein; IMG reference gene:2504661459; PFAM: Nitrate reductase delta subunit.
COGs: COG5013 Nitrate reductase alpha subunit; InterPro IPR006963:IPR006468:IPR006656:IPR006657; KEGG: msv:Mesil_0250 nitrate reductase, alpha subunit; PFAM: Molybdopterin oxidoreductase; Molydopterin dinucleotide-binding domain; PRIAM: Nitrate reductase; SMART: Molybdopterin oxidoreductase, Fe4S4 domain; SPTR: Nitrate reductase alpha subunit; TIGRFAM: Nitrate reductase, alpha subunit; IMG reference gene:2504661461; PFAM: Molybdopterin oxidoreductase; Molydopterin dinucleotide binding domain; TIGRFAM: respiratory nitrate reductase, alpha subunit; Belongs to the prokaryotic molybdopteri [...]
FeS assembly protein SufB; COGs: COG0719 ABC-type transport system involved in Fe-S cluster assembly permease component; InterPro IPR010231:IPR000825; KEGG: msv:Mesil_1006 FeS assembly protein SufB; PFAM: SUF system FeS cluster assembly, SufBD; SPTR: FeS assembly protein SufB; TIGRFAM: SUF system FeS cluster assembly, SufB; IMG reference gene:2504661509; PFAM: Uncharacterized protein family (UPF0051); TIGRFAM: FeS assembly protein SufB.
FeS assembly ATPase SufC; COGs: COG0396 ABC-type transport system involved in Fe-S cluster assembly ATPase component; InterPro IPR003593:IPR010230:IPR003439; KEGG: msv:Mesil_1007 FeS assembly ATPase SufC; PFAM: ABC transporter-like; SMART: ATPase, AAA+ type, core; SPTR: FeS assembly ATPase SufC; TIGRFAM: ATPase SufC, SUF system FeS cluster assembly; IMG reference gene:2504661508; PFAM: ABC transporter; TIGRFAM: FeS assembly ATPase SufC.
Your Current Organism:
Marinithermus hydrothermalis
NCBI taxonomy Id: 869210
Other names: M. hydrothermalis DSM 14884, Marinithermus hydrothermalis DSM 14884, Marinithermus hydrothermalis T1, Marinithermus hydrothermalis str. DSM 14884, Marinithermus hydrothermalis strain DSM 14884
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