node1 | node2 | node1 accession | node2 accession | node1 annotation | node2 annotation | score |
APP83249.1 | APP86064.1 | BI317_02745 | BI317_19825 | Leucyl aminopeptidase; Derived by automated computational analysis using gene prediction method: Protein Homology; Belongs to the peptidase M17 family. | Glutamate--cysteine ligase; Catalyzes the synthesis of gamma-glutamylcysteine (gamma-GC). Belongs to the glutamate--cysteine ligase type 2 family. EgtA subfamily. | 0.953 |
APP83249.1 | gshB | BI317_02745 | BI317_17525 | Leucyl aminopeptidase; Derived by automated computational analysis using gene prediction method: Protein Homology; Belongs to the peptidase M17 family. | Glutathione synthase; Derived by automated computational analysis using gene prediction method: Protein Homology; Belongs to the prokaryotic GSH synthase family. | 0.959 |
APP83302.1 | APP83715.1 | BI317_03065 | BI317_05460 | Bifunctional proline dehydrogenase/L-glutamate gamma-semialdehyde dehydrogenase; Oxidizes proline to glutamate for use as a carbon and nitrogen source; In the C-terminal section; belongs to the aldehyde dehydrogenase family. | Asparaginase; Derived by automated computational analysis using gene prediction method: Protein Homology. | 0.824 |
APP83302.1 | APP84519.1 | BI317_03065 | BI317_10405 | Bifunctional proline dehydrogenase/L-glutamate gamma-semialdehyde dehydrogenase; Oxidizes proline to glutamate for use as a carbon and nitrogen source; In the C-terminal section; belongs to the aldehyde dehydrogenase family. | Glutamate dehydrogenase; Derived by automated computational analysis using gene prediction method: Protein Homology. | 0.965 |
APP83302.1 | APP86064.1 | BI317_03065 | BI317_19825 | Bifunctional proline dehydrogenase/L-glutamate gamma-semialdehyde dehydrogenase; Oxidizes proline to glutamate for use as a carbon and nitrogen source; In the C-terminal section; belongs to the aldehyde dehydrogenase family. | Glutamate--cysteine ligase; Catalyzes the synthesis of gamma-glutamylcysteine (gamma-GC). Belongs to the glutamate--cysteine ligase type 2 family. EgtA subfamily. | 0.904 |
APP83715.1 | APP83302.1 | BI317_05460 | BI317_03065 | Asparaginase; Derived by automated computational analysis using gene prediction method: Protein Homology. | Bifunctional proline dehydrogenase/L-glutamate gamma-semialdehyde dehydrogenase; Oxidizes proline to glutamate for use as a carbon and nitrogen source; In the C-terminal section; belongs to the aldehyde dehydrogenase family. | 0.824 |
APP83715.1 | APP84519.1 | BI317_05460 | BI317_10405 | Asparaginase; Derived by automated computational analysis using gene prediction method: Protein Homology. | Glutamate dehydrogenase; Derived by automated computational analysis using gene prediction method: Protein Homology. | 0.540 |
APP83715.1 | APP86064.1 | BI317_05460 | BI317_19825 | Asparaginase; Derived by automated computational analysis using gene prediction method: Protein Homology. | Glutamate--cysteine ligase; Catalyzes the synthesis of gamma-glutamylcysteine (gamma-GC). Belongs to the glutamate--cysteine ligase type 2 family. EgtA subfamily. | 0.505 |
APP84041.1 | APP86064.1 | BI317_07395 | BI317_19825 | Transcriptional regulator; Derived by automated computational analysis using gene prediction method: Protein Homology. | Glutamate--cysteine ligase; Catalyzes the synthesis of gamma-glutamylcysteine (gamma-GC). Belongs to the glutamate--cysteine ligase type 2 family. EgtA subfamily. | 0.552 |
APP84519.1 | APP83302.1 | BI317_10405 | BI317_03065 | Glutamate dehydrogenase; Derived by automated computational analysis using gene prediction method: Protein Homology. | Bifunctional proline dehydrogenase/L-glutamate gamma-semialdehyde dehydrogenase; Oxidizes proline to glutamate for use as a carbon and nitrogen source; In the C-terminal section; belongs to the aldehyde dehydrogenase family. | 0.965 |
APP84519.1 | APP83715.1 | BI317_10405 | BI317_05460 | Glutamate dehydrogenase; Derived by automated computational analysis using gene prediction method: Protein Homology. | Asparaginase; Derived by automated computational analysis using gene prediction method: Protein Homology. | 0.540 |
APP84519.1 | APP86064.1 | BI317_10405 | BI317_19825 | Glutamate dehydrogenase; Derived by automated computational analysis using gene prediction method: Protein Homology. | Glutamate--cysteine ligase; Catalyzes the synthesis of gamma-glutamylcysteine (gamma-GC). Belongs to the glutamate--cysteine ligase type 2 family. EgtA subfamily. | 0.902 |
APP85430.1 | APP86064.1 | BI317_15880 | BI317_19825 | Hypothetical protein; Derived by automated computational analysis using gene prediction method: Protein Homology. | Glutamate--cysteine ligase; Catalyzes the synthesis of gamma-glutamylcysteine (gamma-GC). Belongs to the glutamate--cysteine ligase type 2 family. EgtA subfamily. | 0.587 |
APP85430.1 | BI317_06235 | BI317_15880 | BI317_06235 | Hypothetical protein; Derived by automated computational analysis using gene prediction method: Protein Homology. | Phage tail protein; Incomplete; partial on complete genome; missing start and stop; Derived by automated computational analysis using gene prediction method: Protein Homology. | 0.764 |
APP86064.1 | APP83249.1 | BI317_19825 | BI317_02745 | Glutamate--cysteine ligase; Catalyzes the synthesis of gamma-glutamylcysteine (gamma-GC). Belongs to the glutamate--cysteine ligase type 2 family. EgtA subfamily. | Leucyl aminopeptidase; Derived by automated computational analysis using gene prediction method: Protein Homology; Belongs to the peptidase M17 family. | 0.953 |
APP86064.1 | APP83302.1 | BI317_19825 | BI317_03065 | Glutamate--cysteine ligase; Catalyzes the synthesis of gamma-glutamylcysteine (gamma-GC). Belongs to the glutamate--cysteine ligase type 2 family. EgtA subfamily. | Bifunctional proline dehydrogenase/L-glutamate gamma-semialdehyde dehydrogenase; Oxidizes proline to glutamate for use as a carbon and nitrogen source; In the C-terminal section; belongs to the aldehyde dehydrogenase family. | 0.904 |
APP86064.1 | APP83715.1 | BI317_19825 | BI317_05460 | Glutamate--cysteine ligase; Catalyzes the synthesis of gamma-glutamylcysteine (gamma-GC). Belongs to the glutamate--cysteine ligase type 2 family. EgtA subfamily. | Asparaginase; Derived by automated computational analysis using gene prediction method: Protein Homology. | 0.505 |
APP86064.1 | APP84041.1 | BI317_19825 | BI317_07395 | Glutamate--cysteine ligase; Catalyzes the synthesis of gamma-glutamylcysteine (gamma-GC). Belongs to the glutamate--cysteine ligase type 2 family. EgtA subfamily. | Transcriptional regulator; Derived by automated computational analysis using gene prediction method: Protein Homology. | 0.552 |
APP86064.1 | APP84519.1 | BI317_19825 | BI317_10405 | Glutamate--cysteine ligase; Catalyzes the synthesis of gamma-glutamylcysteine (gamma-GC). Belongs to the glutamate--cysteine ligase type 2 family. EgtA subfamily. | Glutamate dehydrogenase; Derived by automated computational analysis using gene prediction method: Protein Homology. | 0.902 |
APP86064.1 | APP85430.1 | BI317_19825 | BI317_15880 | Glutamate--cysteine ligase; Catalyzes the synthesis of gamma-glutamylcysteine (gamma-GC). Belongs to the glutamate--cysteine ligase type 2 family. EgtA subfamily. | Hypothetical protein; Derived by automated computational analysis using gene prediction method: Protein Homology. | 0.587 |