STRING protein interaction network
Network nodes represent proteins
splice isoforms or post-translational modifications are collapsed, i.e. each node represents all the proteins produced by a single, protein-coding gene locus.
Node Color
colored nodes:
query proteins and first shell of interactors
white nodes:
second shell of interactors
Node Content
empty nodes:
proteins of unknown 3D structure
filled nodes:
a 3D structure is known or predicted
Edges represent protein-protein associations
associations are meant to be specific and meaningful, i.e. proteins jointly contribute to a shared function; this does not necessarily mean they are physically binding to each other.
Known Interactions
from curated databases
experimentally determined
Predicted Interactions
gene neighborhood
gene fusions
gene co-occurrence
protein homology
Your Input:
Gene Fusion
COL1A1Collagen alpha-1(I) chain; Type I collagen is a member of group I collagen (fibrillar forming collagen). (1464 aa)    
Predicted Functional Partners:
Collagen alpha-2(I) chain; Type I collagen is a member of group I collagen (fibrillar forming collagen); Belongs to the fibrillar collagen family.
Collagen alpha-1(III) chain; Collagen type III occurs in most soft connective tissues along with type I collagen. Involved in regulation of cortical development. Is the major ligand of ADGRG1 in the developing brain and binding to ADGRG1 inhibits neuronal migration and activates the RhoA pathway by coupling ADGRG1 to GNA13 and possibly GNA12.
Collagen alpha-2(V) chain; Type V collagen is a member of group I collagen (fibrillar forming collagen). It is a minor connective tissue component of nearly ubiquitous distribution. Type V collagen binds to DNA, heparan sulfate, thrombospondin, heparin, and insulin. Type V collagen is a key determinant in the assembly of tissue-specific matrices (By similarity).
Collagen alpha-1(V) chain; Type V collagen is a member of group I collagen (fibrillar forming collagen). It is a minor connective tissue component of nearly ubiquitous distribution. Type V collagen binds to DNA, heparan sulfate, thrombospondin, heparin, and insulin.
CD44 antigen; Cell-surface receptor that plays a role in cell-cell interactions, cell adhesion and migration, helping them to sense and respond to changes in the tissue microenvironment. Participates thereby in a wide variety of cellular functions including the activation, recirculation and homing of T-lymphocytes, hematopoiesis, inflammation and response to bacterial infection. Engages, through its ectodomain, extracellular matrix components such as hyaluronan/HA, collagen, growth factors, cytokines or proteases and serves as a platform for signal transduction by assembling, via its c [...]
Integrin beta-1; Integrins alpha-1/beta-1, alpha-2/beta-1, alpha-10/beta-1 and alpha-11/beta-1 are receptors for collagen. Integrins alpha-1/beta-1 and alpha-2/beta-2 recognize the proline-hydroxylated sequence G-F-P-G- E-R in collagen. Integrins alpha-2/beta-1, alpha-3/beta-1, alpha- 4/beta-1, alpha-5/beta-1, alpha-8/beta-1, alpha-10/beta-1, alpha- 11/beta-1 and alpha-V/beta-1 are receptors for fibronectin. Alpha- 4/beta-1 recognizes one or more domains within the alternatively spliced CS-1 and CS-5 regions of fibronectin. Integrin alpha-5/beta-1 is a receptor for fibrinogen. Integrin [...]
Integrin alpha-2; Integrin alpha-2/beta-1 is a receptor for laminin, collagen, collagen C-propeptides, fibronectin and E-cadherin. It recognizes the proline-hydroxylated sequence G-F-P-G-E-R in collagen. It is responsible for adhesion of platelets and other cells to collagens, modulation of collagen and collagenase gene expression, force generation and organization of newly synthesized extracellular matrix. (Microbial infection) Integrin ITGA2:ITGB1 acts as a receptor for Human echoviruses 1 and 8.
Lumican; Belongs to the small leucine-rich proteoglycan (SLRP) family. SLRP class II subfamily.
Collagen alpha-3(VI) chain; Collagen VI acts as a cell-binding protein.
Biglycan; May be involved in collagen fiber assembly.
Your Current Organism:
Homo sapiens
NCBI taxonomy Id: 9606
Other names: H. sapiens, human, man
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