STRING protein interaction network
Network nodes represent proteins
splice isoforms or post-translational modifications are collapsed, i.e. each node represents all the proteins produced by a single, protein-coding gene locus.
Node Color
colored nodes:
query proteins and first shell of interactors
white nodes:
second shell of interactors
Node Content
empty nodes:
proteins of unknown 3D structure
filled nodes:
a 3D structure is known or predicted
Edges represent protein-protein associations
associations are meant to be specific and meaningful, i.e. proteins jointly contribute to a shared function; this does not necessarily mean they are physically binding to each other.
Known Interactions
from curated databases
experimentally determined
Predicted Interactions
gene neighborhood
gene fusions
gene co-occurrence
protein homology
Your Input:
Gene Fusion
ALBSerum albumin; Serum albumin, the main protein of plasma, has a good binding capacity for water, Ca(2+), Na(+), K(+), fatty acids, hormones, bilirubin and drugs (Probable). Its main function is the regulation of the colloidal osmotic pressure of blood (Probable). Major zinc transporter in plasma, typically binds about 80% of all plasma zinc. Major calcium and magnesium transporter in plasma, binds approximately 45% of circulating calcium and magnesium in plasma (By similarity). Potentially has more than two calcium-binding sites and might additionally bind calcium in a non-specific man [...] (609 aa)    
Predicted Functional Partners:
Alpha-2-HS-glycoprotein chain A; Promotes endocytosis, possesses opsonic properties and influences the mineral phase of bone. Shows affinity for calcium and barium ions; Belongs to the fetuin family.
Insulin A chain; Insulin decreases blood glucose concentration. It increases cell permeability to monosaccharides, amino acids and fatty acids. It accelerates glycolysis, the pentose phosphate cycle, and glycogen synthesis in liver.
IgG receptor FcRn large subunit p51; Cell surface receptor that transfers passive humoral immunity from the mother to the newborn. Binds to the Fc region of monomeric immunoglobulin gamma and mediates its selective uptake from milk. IgG in the milk is bound at the apical surface of the intestinal epithelium. The resultant FcRn-IgG complexes are transcytosed across the intestinal epithelium and IgG is released from FcRn into blood or tissue fluids. Throughout life, contributes to effective humoral immunity by recycling IgG and extending its half-life in the circulation. Mechanistically, [...]
Truncated apolipoprotein A-I; Participates in the reverse transport of cholesterol from tissues to the liver for excretion by promoting cholesterol efflux from tissues and by acting as a cofactor for the lecithin cholesterol acyltransferase (LCAT). As part of the SPAP complex, activates spermatozoa motility.
Alpha-1-acid glycoprotein 1; Functions as transport protein in the blood stream. Binds various ligands in the interior of its beta-barrel domain. Also binds synthetic drugs and influences their distribution and availability in the body. Appears to function in modulating the activity of the immune system during the acute-phase reaction; Belongs to the calycin superfamily. Lipocalin family.
Fibronectin; Fibronectins bind cell surfaces and various compounds including collagen, fibrin, heparin, DNA, and actin. Fibronectins are involved in cell adhesion, cell motility, opsonization, wound healing, and maintenance of cell shape. Involved in osteoblast compaction through the fibronectin fibrillogenesis cell-mediated matrix assembly process, essential for osteoblast mineralization. Participates in the regulation of type I collagen deposition by osteoblasts.
Alpha-1-acid glycoprotein 2; Functions as transport protein in the blood stream. Binds various hydrophobic ligands in the interior of its beta-barrel domain. Also binds synthetic drugs and influences their distribution and availability. Appears to function in modulating the activity of the immune system during the acute-phase reaction.
Short peptide from AAT; Inhibitor of serine proteases. Its primary target is elastase, but it also has a moderate affinity for plasmin and thrombin. Irreversibly inhibits trypsin, chymotrypsin and plasminogen activator. The aberrant form inhibits insulin-induced NO synthesis in platelets, decreases coagulation time and has proteolytic activity against insulin and plasmin; Belongs to the serpin family.
Alpha-lactalbumin; Regulatory subunit of lactose synthase, changes the substrate specificity of galactosyltransferase in the mammary gland making glucose a good acceptor substrate for this enzyme. This enables LS to synthesize lactose, the major carbohydrate component of milk. In other tissues, galactosyltransferase transfers galactose onto the N- acetylglucosamine of the oligosaccharide chains in glycoproteins; Belongs to the glycosyl hydrolase 22 family.
Lactotransferrin; Transferrins are iron binding transport proteins which can bind two Fe(3+) ions in association with the binding of an anion, usually bicarbonate. Lactoferricin binds to the bacterial surface and is crucial for the bactericidal functions. Has some antiviral activity against papillomavirus infection. N-terminal region shows strong antifungal activity against C.albicans. Contains two BBXB heparin-binding consensus sequences that appear to form the predominate functional GAG- binding site. Lactoferroxins A, B and C have opioid antagonist activity. Lactoferroxin A shows pr [...]
Your Current Organism:
Homo sapiens
NCBI taxonomy Id: 9606
Other names: H. sapiens, human, man
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