STRING protein interaction network
Network nodes represent proteins
splice isoforms or post-translational modifications are collapsed, i.e. each node represents all the proteins produced by a single, protein-coding gene locus.
Node Color
colored nodes:
query proteins and first shell of interactors
white nodes:
second shell of interactors
Node Content
empty nodes:
proteins of unknown 3D structure
filled nodes:
a 3D structure is known or predicted
Edges represent protein-protein associations
associations are meant to be specific and meaningful, i.e. proteins jointly contribute to a shared function; this does not necessarily mean they are physically binding to each other.
Known Interactions
from curated databases
experimentally determined
Predicted Interactions
gene neighborhood
gene fusions
gene co-occurrence
protein homology
Your Input:
Gene Fusion
HAO2Hydroxyacid oxidase 2; Catalyzes the oxidation of L-alpha-hydroxy acids as well as, more slowly, that of L-alpha-amino acids; Belongs to the FMN-dependent alpha-hydroxy acid dehydrogenase family. (364 aa)    
Predicted Functional Partners:
Alanine--glyoxylate and serine--pyruvate aminotransferase.
Glyoxylate reductase/hydroxypyruvate reductase; Enzyme with hydroxy-pyruvate reductase, glyoxylate reductase and D-glycerate dehydrogenase enzymatic activities. Reduces hydroxypyruvate to D-glycerate, glyoxylate to glycolate oxidizes D- glycerate to hydroxypyruvate; Belongs to the D-isomer specific 2-hydroxyacid dehydrogenase family.
Glycerol-3-phosphate phosphatase; Glycerol-3-phosphate phosphatase hydrolyzing glycerol-3- phosphate into glycerol. Thereby, regulates the cellular levels of glycerol-3-phosphate a metabolic intermediate of glucose, lipid and energy metabolism. Was also shown to have a 2-phosphoglycolate phosphatase activity and a tyrosine-protein phosphatase activity. However, their physiological relevance is unclear. In vitro, has also a phosphatase activity toward ADP, ATP, GDP and GTP (By similarity).
Hydroxyacid oxidase 1; Has 2-hydroxyacid oxidase activity. Most active on the 2- carbon substrate glycolate, but is also active on 2-hydroxy fatty acids, with high activity towards 2-hydroxy palmitate and 2-hydroxy octanoate.
Catalase; Occurs in almost all aerobically respiring organisms and serves to protect cells from the toxic effects of hydrogen peroxide. Promotes growth of cells including T-cells, B-cells, myeloid leukemia cells, melanoma cells, mastocytoma cells and normal and transformed fibroblast cells.
4-hydroxy-2-oxoglutarate aldolase, mitochondrial; Catalyzes the final step in the metabolic pathway of hydroxyproline; Belongs to the DapA family.
D-amino-acid oxidase; Regulates the level of the neuromodulator D-serine in the brain. Has high activity towards D-DOPA and contributes to dopamine synthesis. Could act as a detoxifying agent which removes D-amino acids accumulated during aging. Acts on a variety of D-amino acids with a preference for those having small hydrophobic side chains followed by those bearing polar, aromatic, and basic groups. Does not act on acidic amino acids; Belongs to the DAMOX/DASOX family.
Alanine--glyoxylate aminotransferase 2, mitochondrial; Can metabolize asymmetric dimethylarginine (ADMA) via transamination to alpha-keto-delta-(NN-dimethylguanidino) valeric acid (DMGV). ADMA is a potent inhibitor of nitric-oxide (NO) synthase, and this activity provides mechanism through which the kidney regulates blood pressure; Belongs to the class-III pyridoxal-phosphate-dependent aminotransferase family.
Diphosphomevalonate decarboxylase; Performs the first committed step in the biosynthesis of isoprenes.
GMP synthase [glutamine-hydrolyzing]; Involved in the de novo synthesis of guanine nucleotides which are not only essential for DNA and RNA synthesis, but also provide GTP, which is involved in a number of cellular processes important for cell division.
Your Current Organism:
Homo sapiens
NCBI taxonomy Id: 9606
Other names: H. sapiens, human, man
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