STRING protein interaction network
Network nodes represent proteins
splice isoforms or post-translational modifications are collapsed, i.e. each node represents all the proteins produced by a single, protein-coding gene locus.
Node Color
colored nodes:
query proteins and first shell of interactors
white nodes:
second shell of interactors
Node Content
empty nodes:
proteins of unknown 3D structure
filled nodes:
a 3D structure is known or predicted
Edges represent protein-protein associations
associations are meant to be specific and meaningful, i.e. proteins jointly contribute to a shared function; this does not necessarily mean they are physically binding to each other.
Known Interactions
from curated databases
experimentally determined
Predicted Interactions
gene neighborhood
gene fusions
gene co-occurrence
protein homology
Your Input:
Gene Fusion
CYP11B2Cytochrome P450 11B2, mitochondrial; A cytochrome P450 monooxygenase that catalyzes the biosynthesis of adrenal mineralocorticoid aldosterone. Catalyzes three sequential oxidative reactions of 11-deoxycorticosterone/21- hydroxyprogesterone, namely 11-beta hydroxylation followed with two successive oxidations at C18 to yield 18-hydroxy and then 18-aldehyde derivatives, resulting in the formation of aldosterone. Mechanistically, uses molecular oxygen inserting one oxygen atom into a substrate and reducing the second into a water molecule. Two electrons are provided by NADPH via a two-pro [...] (503 aa)    
Predicted Functional Partners:
Corticosteroid 11-beta-dehydrogenase isozyme 2; Catalyzes the conversion of cortisol to the inactive metabolite cortisone. Modulates intracellular glucocorticoid levels, thus protecting the nonselective mineralocorticoid receptor from occupation by glucocorticoids.
3 beta-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase/Delta 5-->4-isomerase type 2; 3-beta-HSD is a bifunctional enzyme, that catalyzes the oxidative conversion of Delta(5)-ene-3-beta-hydroxy steroid, and the oxidative conversion of ketosteroids. The 3-beta-HSD enzymatic system plays a crucial role in the biosynthesis of all classes of hormonal steroids.
3 beta-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase/Delta 5-->4-isomerase type 1; A bifunctional enzyme responsible for the oxidation and isomerization of 3beta-hydroxy-Delta(5)-steroid precursors to 3-oxo- Delta(4)-steroids, an essential step in steroid hormone biosynthesis. Specifically catalyzes the conversion of pregnenolone to progesterone, 17alpha-hydroxypregnenolone to 17alpha-hydroxyprogesterone, dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA) to 4-androstenedione, and androstenediol to testosterone. Additionally, catalyzes the interconversion between 3beta-hydroxy and 3-oxo-5alpha-androstane steroids controlli [...]
Steroid 21-hydroxylase; Specifically catalyzes the 21-hydroxylation of steroids. Required for the adrenal synthesis of mineralocorticoids and glucocorticoids.
Steroid 17-alpha-hydroxylase/17,20 lyase; A cytochrome P450 monooxygenase involved in corticoid and androgen biosynthesis. Catalyzes 17-alpha hydroxylation of C21 steroids, which is common for both pathways. A second oxidative step, required only for androgen synthesis, involves an acyl-carbon cleavage. The 17-alpha hydroxy intermediates, as part of adrenal glucocorticoids biosynthesis pathway, are precursors of cortisol (Probable). Hydroxylates steroid hormones, pregnenolone and progesterone to form 17-alpha hydroxy metabolites, followed by the cleavage of the C17-C20 bond to form C1 [...]
Testosterone 17-beta-dehydrogenase 3; Favors the reduction of androstenedione to testosterone. Uses NADPH while the two other EDH17B enzymes use NADH.
Corticosteroid 11-beta-dehydrogenase isozyme 1; Catalyzes reversibly the conversion of cortisol to the inactive metabolite cortisone. Catalyzes reversibly the conversion of 7-ketocholesterol to 7-beta-hydroxycholesterol. In intact cells, the reaction runs only in one direction, from 7-ketocholesterol to 7-beta- hydroxycholesterol (By similarity).
Aromatase; A cytochrome P450 monooxygenase that catalyzes the conversion of C19 androgens, androst-4-ene-3,17-dione (androstenedione) and testosterone to the C18 estrogens, estrone and estradiol, respectively. Catalyzes three successive oxidations of C19 androgens: two conventional oxidations at C19 yielding 19-hydroxy and 19-oxo/19-aldehyde derivatives, followed by a third oxidative aromatization step that involves C1-beta hydrogen abstraction combined with cleavage of the C10-C19 bond to yield a phenolic A ring and formic acid. Alternatively, the third oxidative reaction yields a 19- [...]
3-oxo-5-alpha-steroid 4-dehydrogenase 2; Converts testosterone (T) into 5-alpha-dihydrotestosterone (DHT) and progesterone or corticosterone into their corresponding 5- alpha-3-oxosteroids. It plays a central role in sexual differentiation and androgen physiology.
3-oxo-5-alpha-steroid 4-dehydrogenase 1; Converts testosterone into 5-alpha-dihydrotestosterone and progesterone or corticosterone into their corresponding 5-alpha-3- oxosteroids. It plays a central role in sexual differentiation and androgen physiology.
Your Current Organism:
Homo sapiens
NCBI taxonomy Id: 9606
Other names: H. sapiens, human, man
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