STRING protein interaction network
Network nodes represent proteins
splice isoforms or post-translational modifications are collapsed, i.e. each node represents all the proteins produced by a single, protein-coding gene locus.
Node Color
colored nodes:
query proteins and first shell of interactors
white nodes:
second shell of interactors
Node Content
empty nodes:
proteins of unknown 3D structure
filled nodes:
a 3D structure is known or predicted
Edges represent protein-protein associations
associations are meant to be specific and meaningful, i.e. proteins jointly contribute to a shared function; this does not necessarily mean they are physically binding to each other.
Known Interactions
from curated databases
experimentally determined
Predicted Interactions
gene neighborhood
gene fusions
gene co-occurrence
protein homology
Your Input:
Gene Fusion
TLE1Transducin-like enhancer protein 1; Transcriptional corepressor that binds to a number of transcription factors. Inhibits NF-kappa-B-regulated gene expression. Inhibits the transcriptional activation mediated by FOXA2, and by CTNNB1 and TCF family members in Wnt signaling. The effects of full- length TLE family members may be modulated by association with dominant-negative AES. Unusual function as coactivator for ESRRG. Belongs to the WD repeat Groucho/TLE family. (770 aa)    
Predicted Functional Partners:
Transducin-like enhancer protein 3; Transcriptional corepressor that binds to a number of transcription factors. Inhibits the transcriptional activation mediated by CTNNB1 and TCF family members in Wnt signaling. The effects of full- length TLE family members may be modulated by association with dominant-negative AES (By similarity).
Transducin-like enhancer protein 4; Transcriptional corepressor that binds to a number of transcription factors. Inhibits the transcriptional activation mediated by PAX5, and by CTNNB1 and TCF family members in Wnt signaling. The effects of full-length TLE family members may be modulated by association with dominant-negative AES. Essential for the transcriptional repressor activity of SIX3 during retina and lens development and for SIX3 transcriptional auto-repression (By similarity); Belongs to the WD repeat Groucho/TLE family.
Catenin beta-1; Key downstream component of the canonical Wnt signaling pathway. In the absence of Wnt, forms a complex with AXIN1, AXIN2, APC, CSNK1A1 and GSK3B that promotes phosphorylation on N-terminal Ser and Thr residues and ubiquitination of CTNNB1 via BTRC and its subsequent degradation by the proteasome. In the presence of Wnt ligand, CTNNB1 is not ubiquitinated and accumulates in the nucleus, where it acts as a coactivator for transcription factors of the TCF/LEF family, leading to activate Wnt responsive genes. Involved in the regulation of cell adhesion, as component of an [...]
Lymphoid enhancer-binding factor 1; Participates in the Wnt signaling pathway. Activates transcription of target genes in the presence of CTNNB1 and EP300. May play a role in hair cell differentiation and follicle morphogenesis. TLE1, TLE2, TLE3 and TLE4 repress transactivation mediated by LEF1 and CTNNB1. Regulates T-cell receptor alpha enhancer function. Binds DNA in a sequence-specific manner. PIAG antagonizes both Wnt-dependent and Wnt-independent activation by LEF1 (By similarity). Isoform 3 lacks the CTNNB1 interaction domain and may be an antagonist for Wnt signaling. Isoform 5 [...]
Transcription factor HES-1; Transcriptional repressor of genes that require a bHLH protein for their transcription. May act as a negative regulator of myogenesis by inhibiting the functions of MYOD1 and ASH1. Binds DNA on N-box motifs: 5'-CACNAG-3' with high affinity and on E-box motifs: 5'- CANNTG-3' with low affinity (By similarity). May play a role in a functional FA core complex response to DNA cross-link damage, being required for the stability and nuclear localization of FA core complex proteins, as well as for FANCD2 monoubiquitination in response to DNA damage.
Histone deacetylase 1; Responsible for the deacetylation of lysine residues on the N-terminal part of the core histones (H2A, H2B, H3 and H4). Histone deacetylation gives a tag for epigenetic repression and plays an important role in transcriptional regulation, cell cycle progression and developmental events. Histone deacetylases act via the formation of large multiprotein complexes. Deacetylates SP proteins, SP1 and SP3, and regulates their function. Component of the BRG1-RB1-HDAC1 complex, which negatively regulates the CREST-mediated transcription in resting neurons. Upon calcium st [...]
Transcription factor 4; Transcription factor that binds to the immunoglobulin enhancer Mu-E5/KE5-motif. Involved in the initiation of neuronal differentiation. Activates transcription by binding to the E box (5'- CANNTG-3'). Binds to the E-box present in the somatostatin receptor 2 initiator element (SSTR2-INR) to activate transcription (By similarity). Preferentially binds to either 5'-ACANNTGT-3' or 5'- CCANNTGG-3'.
Transcription cofactor HES-6; Does not bind DNA itself but suppresses both HES1-mediated N box-dependent transcriptional repression and binding of HES1 to E box sequences. Also suppresses HES1-mediated inhibition of the heterodimer formed by ASCL1/MASH1 and TCF3/E47, allowing ASCL1 and TCF3 to up- regulate transcription in its presence. Promotes cell differentiation (By similarity).
B-cell CLL/lymphoma 9 protein; Involved in signal transduction through the Wnt pathway. Promotes beta-catenin's transcriptional activity (By similarity). Belongs to the BCL9 family.
Hepatocyte nuclear factor 4-alpha; Transcriptional regulator which controls the expression of hepatic genes during the transition of endodermal cells to hepatic progenitor cells, facilitating the recruitment of RNA pol II to the promoters of target genes. Activates the transcription of CYP2C38 (By similarity). Represses the CLOCK- ARNTL/BMAL1 transcriptional activity and is essential for circadian rhythm maintenance and period regulation in the liver and colon cells.
Your Current Organism:
Homo sapiens
NCBI taxonomy Id: 9606
Other names: H. sapiens, human, man
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